I think as a mother the issue that comes up the most, especially in the early years of children's lives, is their health. I cannot tell you how much time I have spent in the pediatrician's office…and I have healthy kids! So you mothers out there can imagine the gratitude I felt when a dear friend introduced me to a simple solution for keeping my kids healthy and out of the pediatrician's office.
It all started when our middle daughter fell off her bike on our gravel driveway. She skinned her knee quite badly and I took her inside to wash the scrapes with warm soapy water. After it was clean and dry, I applied an antibiotic ointment to the wound, covered it with a bandage, gave her a kiss and she was off to her next adventure. Normal mothering first-aid had always worked in the past, so I didn't give the incident a second thought until 3 days later.
In the interim, our daughter had started taking swimming lessons at a local pool. The next evening after her first lesson, I did my nightly inspection and of the wound and the bandage change. I noticed that the wound was becoming red around the edges and had raised, white bumps around the scrapes, but not where the skin was broken. I cleaned the wound extra well, put extra antibiotic ointment on it, bandaged it and went to bed wondering what had caused a wound that was healing so well to take such a seemingly sudden turn for the worse.
The next morning, I cleaned the wound well and applied MORE ointment and covered the wound well, so it would stay covered while my daughter went with my husband to play in her soccer game. At this point, as she walked to the car, she had a little limp and I called after her and asked if her leg was alright, and she turned and called back with a smile "I'm fine, Mom."
A few hours later, my husband called for our health insurance information. I was alarmed to find out that he was at the pediatrician's office, and that our daughter's knee was infected with MRSA, or Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus - in other words, a superbug.
This led to a mega-dose of internal antibiotics, multiple daily bandage changes, topical antibiotics, lancing of the wound, and carrying a can of Lysol spray at her school (to avoid contaminating surfaces and other children). Eventually, she was cured of the MRSA…or so we all thought.
This first exposure to MRSA was not to be our families' last. Soon after our daughter's "cure" our oldest daughter contracted MRSA. We went through the same drill with her, and she was "cured". Then our second daughter contracted MRSA a second time. We started all over with treatment for her…which we all thought was "cured", again.
Then, our third child, our son, was in the bath and I noticed a funny scrape that looked infected on his left shoulder. I asked him what happened. He was 4 and I couldn't figure out how he had gotten a scrape like that without me knowing about it or his pre-school telling me about it. That day I had an appointment with a friend and I showed her the scrape and she said "That's MRSA." I said, "Oh no, I know what MRSA looks like and that is not MRSA." She got out her phone and brought up pictures of different ways MRSA presents and there it was--a picture almost identical to the funny scrape on our son's shoulder!
Oh my goodness! What is a mother to do when faced with such a persistent health threat!?!
My frustration and the problem were solved that very same day:
My friend asked if I wanted to try something new, an oil she had just learned about that was supposed to be "killer on staph infections." I was ready to try anything! She applied a couple drops of the oil to the scrape and gave me the rest, about 5 drops, and told me to apply it until the bottle ran out. Truth be told, I applied the oil only one more time that same night before my son went to bed. He cried when I applied it because he said it stung, so I resolved that I would call the doctor in the morning and start the MRSA treatment drill again. Sigh.
The next morning, to my surprise the scrape was significantly improved! I decided to watch the scrape and the next day the scrape was even better! After 3 more days it was almost healed, and by the 8th day it was gone-and I had only applied the oil once since my friend put the oil on during our appointment together!
What a gift!! I went back to my friend and said "What was that you gave me to put on the MRSA?!"
She said, "It is Thieves® essential oil blend from Young Living."
Since first learning about Thieves®, (see photo) I now know that it is one of the most useful "tools" for keeping my family healthy and happy. We put the oil on the bottoms of our feet every night before bed during cold and flu season. I will add a drop of stevia and Thieves® to warm water for a soothing and antimicrobial drink. I later found out that Young Living has a whole line of household and personal products based upon the Thieves® blend and we use them everyday! Our three children now only need to see the pediatrician for their well-child check ups. I am so grateful to the friend who shared Thieves oil with me (Thank you, Mary Beth!!) I can't help but want to share this valuable information with other mothers!
Would you like a simple mothering solution offered to you? Leave a comment and let me know what you need :)
This led to a mega-dose of internal antibiotics, multiple daily bandage changes, topical antibiotics, lancing of the wound, and carrying a can of Lysol spray at her school (to avoid contaminating surfaces and other children). Eventually, she was cured of the MRSA…or so we all thought.
This first exposure to MRSA was not to be our families' last. Soon after our daughter's "cure" our oldest daughter contracted MRSA. We went through the same drill with her, and she was "cured". Then our second daughter contracted MRSA a second time. We started all over with treatment for her…which we all thought was "cured", again.
Then, our third child, our son, was in the bath and I noticed a funny scrape that looked infected on his left shoulder. I asked him what happened. He was 4 and I couldn't figure out how he had gotten a scrape like that without me knowing about it or his pre-school telling me about it. That day I had an appointment with a friend and I showed her the scrape and she said "That's MRSA." I said, "Oh no, I know what MRSA looks like and that is not MRSA." She got out her phone and brought up pictures of different ways MRSA presents and there it was--a picture almost identical to the funny scrape on our son's shoulder!
Oh my goodness! What is a mother to do when faced with such a persistent health threat!?!
My frustration and the problem were solved that very same day:
My friend asked if I wanted to try something new, an oil she had just learned about that was supposed to be "killer on staph infections." I was ready to try anything! She applied a couple drops of the oil to the scrape and gave me the rest, about 5 drops, and told me to apply it until the bottle ran out. Truth be told, I applied the oil only one more time that same night before my son went to bed. He cried when I applied it because he said it stung, so I resolved that I would call the doctor in the morning and start the MRSA treatment drill again. Sigh.
The next morning, to my surprise the scrape was significantly improved! I decided to watch the scrape and the next day the scrape was even better! After 3 more days it was almost healed, and by the 8th day it was gone-and I had only applied the oil once since my friend put the oil on during our appointment together!
What a gift!! I went back to my friend and said "What was that you gave me to put on the MRSA?!"
She said, "It is Thieves® essential oil blend from Young Living."
Since first learning about Thieves®, (see photo) I now know that it is one of the most useful "tools" for keeping my family healthy and happy. We put the oil on the bottoms of our feet every night before bed during cold and flu season. I will add a drop of stevia and Thieves® to warm water for a soothing and antimicrobial drink. I later found out that Young Living has a whole line of household and personal products based upon the Thieves® blend and we use them everyday! Our three children now only need to see the pediatrician for their well-child check ups. I am so grateful to the friend who shared Thieves oil with me (Thank you, Mary Beth!!) I can't help but want to share this valuable information with other mothers!
Would you like a simple mothering solution offered to you? Leave a comment and let me know what you need :)